Monday, June 6, 2011

Thoughts On Our Modern Construction.

I’ve looked out the window so many times and seen gray, boring, and disappointing architecture. All it does is bore my senses and take up the space that the trees and life used to take. That’s so disappointing! How can we, as humans, just sit here and let that happen? The environment is being polluted and destroyed for some square or rectangle office buildings?! How upsetting… We need to respect the world that we are guests on. When we take down the trees that give us oxygen, we should put beautiful, cultural, and environment-friendly buildings in place. By putting buildings that tell a story and blend fantastically with the land and culture, we aren’t taking the land we are given for granted. Buildings are a necessity but can also be turned into “Cultural art”, and that should be another focus point here, at home. It’s much more important than “President Obama being embarrassed with the Queen” in my opinion.

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