Saturday, June 11, 2011

Get Me To The Greek

The architecture of ancient Greece was influenced by so many things. The Islands of Greece are mainly rocky cliffs and dry areas, so stone was a popular material that was used to build the houses and buildings of Greece. Marble was found easily on the mainland and on the islands and detail was extremely important for the masons and the architects.
Temples were found all over Greece and housed the “sacred area” to the god resigning in the temple. A Temple to Poseidon would be near the water or a temple to Zeus would be open and able to view the landscape.
Tiled roofs were popular and buildings normally consisted of courtyards and columns with plenty of area to socialize.
 Overall, the focus of the architecture was around luxury and beauty. Detailed carvings and textures, room to bathe and socialize with the rich, and areas devoted to the gods all meshed amazingly together alongside the very unique and outstanding Greek Art.
Ahhh… beautiful Greece.


My thoughts? My thoughts are that design is an amazing mean of communication. Man communicates with nature as they are digging and planting new life into the earth in their yard. Man communicates with his inner emotions when he puts things in a certain fashion in order to “feel homey” or to just have a pleasant feeling about it. Man communicates to each other when planning out an architecture design and communicates with the land around it. Are there any other topics that allow so much communication between so many different aspects involved?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Magical Rooms?

It’s amazing to me how the way that furniture is styles and placed in a room changes so much mentally for a person. From a Moroccan style to an open and airy modern feel, even the smallest detail such as sleek lines or curved lines can change the way you feel in the room. Lighting makes a person awake or relaxed or can highlight a certain point of the room. Bohemian, shaggy, and woven style furniture and details give a more relaxed and vacation feel. The senses are sent through a new test every time you enter a room and it changes your mood more easily than a fight with a friend. Imagine yourself entering a room that looked like this…

how do you feel? Relaxed and happy or excited and ready to accomplish things?

Monday, June 6, 2011


Here are examples of what I'm talking about. There will be more to come...

Thoughts On Our Modern Construction.

I’ve looked out the window so many times and seen gray, boring, and disappointing architecture. All it does is bore my senses and take up the space that the trees and life used to take. That’s so disappointing! How can we, as humans, just sit here and let that happen? The environment is being polluted and destroyed for some square or rectangle office buildings?! How upsetting… We need to respect the world that we are guests on. When we take down the trees that give us oxygen, we should put beautiful, cultural, and environment-friendly buildings in place. By putting buildings that tell a story and blend fantastically with the land and culture, we aren’t taking the land we are given for granted. Buildings are a necessity but can also be turned into “Cultural art”, and that should be another focus point here, at home. It’s much more important than “President Obama being embarrassed with the Queen” in my opinion.

In the Beginning...

I wasn’t sure of how to start typing this and making my first blog post sound really good and catchy…I gave up on that and decided just to start writing. I realize that this is going to start out small and will only appeal to a specific crowd with similar interests, but this is really to just get my ideas out. It’s going to be messy at first, but I’ll get better at it. This Blog will be about the architecture and design of the world, culture and major events happening, just over the amazing topic of design and culture. I’ll be posting my first, on-topic blog soon…